Home Security This Winter

The evenings have already started to draw in and that means lots of shorter days and longer nights. Winter also means that there’s plenty to celebrate with family and friends as the year draws to a close, and it also means you may be going away in order to celebrate. That leaves your home vulnerable to intruders. The short days also don’t help, because the dark can help conceal a would-be burglar. 

However, if you think it’s too late to do anything about it now, you couldn’t be more wrong. Winter is the season of the burglar and this explains why home insurance goes up at this time of year, there’s also an increase in accidents too because people will fall and injure themselves at this time of year due to a combination of weather and dark evenings. Don’t worry there are things that you can do to keep your home safe. 

Home Security – essential at any time of year, especially winter. As we’ve already mentioned it’s usually dark at this time of year, therefore it would make sense to create some light,  there’s less danger of someone hiding and more chance of a burglar being caught quickly. Lighting will also help to avoid accidents, especially if you have elderly relatives staying with you over the holiday season. 

Security lighting.

Security Lighting can help shed light on who’s trying to break into your home, as well as give added security against accidents. Security lighting is the first and most obvious choice. A professionally installed lighting system can light up an area and can be linked to sensors that detect movement. It will act as a really efficient deterrent because there’s less opportunities for thieves to go undetected. You can also have timed lighting. This works by automatically switching on in your absence at a designated time of your choosing, and this also works well if you went away for a few days, say at Christmas, a time for burglars to try their luck. You can get timed lighting to work from a Smart device, so you are always in control and can operate it from wherever you are in the world.

Burglar Alarms.

A home alarm system is another deterrent and a worthwhile investment as this would be useful all year round. There’s a variety of different home alarm systems, we certainly have a versatile range from which to choose from at Sealco. You can have either wireless or non-wireless systems, and you can have infra-red detection that spots any movement, and detectors that also record video, which will give you evidence for the police. 

Links to the police/security company.

Also worthy of consideration is linking your alarm system to a security company or the police so they’re alerted should there be a break-in. Also think about investing in CCTV. Having this installed outside your house or commercial building will give you the security of knowing that should you have some uninvited guests, they’ll be quickly apprehended if you have recorded footage of their visit. 

RML Electrical – for all your home security needs.

So, now you know how you could benefit from winter security for your home or commercial property, why not get in touch with us here at RML Electrical and we can talk you through our security range of alarms and lighting systems, so you can feel safe and enjoy the holiday season this winter, safe in the knowledge your home is protected.

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