What Is An EICR

Today we’re asking what is an EICR? As a landlord or owner of a commercial building, or someone who’s moving into a new property for the first time, you may be asked for evidence of one, or need to have one carried out yourself. An EICR is an Electrical Installation Condition Report that is carried out by a qualified and experienced electrician and will inspect all electrical installations to check they’re safe to use and report any faults. If there are any faults detected it is then up to you to do something about it.

You Need a Qualified, Trained and Experienced Electrician

As we’ve already mentioned you need to be a qualified electrician to do the job so don’t hire just anyone. When an EICR is carried out the electricity will be cut off to avoid accidents, so for a short time you won’t have any power. The time it takes to carry out an EICR correctly is around maybe an hour or anything up to a day depending on how big your installations is. If you have a commercial property, or flats in one building if you’re a landlord, it could take longer.

EICRs Play an Important Role in The Electrical Maintenance of Your Property

EICRs are usually carried out every 5 years and they’re an important part of a health and safety programme and ensuring that the property is safe and not likely to endanger life. An EICR will be carried out on a new house before the buyers finally set up home, or on a property where a landlord is about to have new tenants move in. A commercial property will have one every 5 years when one is due and set aside the time necessary to accommodate the loss of power.

Having an EICR Could Prevent a Serious Accident

It’s important to have an EICR as it could save lives. An electric shock can be fatal so it’s important to make sure everything is working as it should. An electrician will check sockets, switches and lights to make sure everything is working and installed correctly, and one they’ve finished they’ll give you a report that tells you about their findings and what needs to be corrected.

RML – For The Best in Quality Electricians West Lothian

If you think you require an EICR, why not get in touch with us here at RML, and one of our qualified and experienced electricians can give you some advice and guidance on whether you need to have one and tell you what happens next. As fully qualified and trained electricians in Edinburgh we have plenty of experience, and we know what we’re talking about, so give us a call.

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