Electrician's Advice For Home Buyers

When you’re buying your first home, it’s easy to forget the finer details, but electrical problems can easily raise their head after you’ve taken the mortgage out and moved in. There should be some electrical checks carried out prior to this, because if there is a problem and it’s not identified right away it could cause a serious accident or even death. 

Hidden electrical hazards

It’s been discovered that only a small portion of buyers make the necessary checks before moving into their new home only to discover potentially hazardous electrical problems which cost a fortune to remedy. All the excitement generated after buying a new property can soon fade once problems are identified somewhere down the line. It could cost thousands to have problems repaired, and if they’re bad you won’t be able to ignore then because this could cause serious health hazards to the rest of your family.

Check your potential new home for hazards

You may think you’ve found your dream home, but always check your budget first, and make sure the whole house is checked out first before you make a commitment to buy. If there are problems which will need sorting out before you move in, then make sure you budget for it, and that you have the money to hand to deal with any repairs – including electrical ones. 

Check every single corner

Check absolutely everywhere when you are looking over the house. Sometimes items will be strategically placed to conceal something the owners don’t want you to see. Look out for strategically placed lights, mirrors and fresh paint in certain rooms, could be they’re trying to hide things like mould or damp. 

Details, hidden corners and undiscovered big jobs

Detail is everything so make you check every nook and corner. Faulty wiring or old wires hanging loose, possibly old sockets from way back when, this could be a sign that the entire house will need rewiring, and if it does then you’ll be paying for it, so you’ll need to add that to your budget.

Don’t skip the safety

Safety is something you cannot scrimp on. It could have an impact on those you love, by making sure you check every single thing you come across, you can check for faults and damages and then decide on whether you can afford to repair – or walk away. All the hidden extras can add substantial costs to your new property budget, so think carefully before diving in.

RML Electrical – Premier Electricians in West Lothian

If you’re looking for electrical work to be carried out on your property, then why not get in touch with us here at RML Electrical. We’re all professionally trained, qualified and registered electricians in West Lothian and we’ve carried out rewiring, PAT testing and many other electrical jobs including the simple to the complex. 

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