If you’re in charge of looking after someone vulnerable, then trips, falls and accidents are a constant worry, especially when you’re not there. If someone you care for also lives in a home that’s not really fit for purpose due to it being an older property, it may contain faulty appliances or electric goods that are not fit for use. It may not be a simple case of moving them out, because perhaps it’s just not feasible at this time, but there are things you can do. It’s hard to stay calm when in actual fact many vulnerable people are living in homes which are in a state of disrepair and who don’t have modern electrical installations, RCDs or decent wiring.
Read MoreWith Covid 19 still with us and for the foreseeable future, we’re going to dedicate this week’s post to staying safe in your home during the pandemic with your electrics. We hope you find it useful. We realise that for most of us, unless we’re essential key workers, we’re going to be spending a lot more time at home. With this in mind, it’s important to stay safe with our electrics as well because if we are going to be spending more time in the home, either homeschooling or working, then we’re going to be using the power much more often.
Read MoreWhen you put up your Christmas lights is entirely up to you, and we know there are some of you who like to put them up early, while some like to leave it until the last minute. Regardless of when you do decide to put them up, it’s important that you make sure they're safe. The most important thing to remember is that they need to be safety checked before you put that plug in the socket.
Read MoreDeaths due to electrical accidents sadly seem to increase with every year, so it’s never more important than now to make sure you stay safe as a tenant. Is your landlord doing everything possible to make sure you’re safe in your home?
Your landlord has responsibilities for you and everyone else that lives in their property. It’s important to make sure they’re doing all they can to make sure everything works as it should and that you’re safe to live there.
Read MoreWe’re talking about electrical sockets - BUT not electrical sockets as you know them, safely secreted in a corner somewhere inside, but outdoors. Yes, outdoor sockets are important and worthy of discussion, because of course, we’re dealing with many factors. It’s important to keep your loved ones safe when using outdoor sockets so we’ll go through a few pointers from our electricians.
Read MoreWe’re looking at exterior lighting and how you can show off your home to best effect. It’s all about achieving key aims so that your home is secure, beautifully lit up with its features accentuated and safe from trips and falls.
Read MoreWe’re accustomed to seeing commercial buildings with CCTV cameras but why do people have them at home? After, all do residential property owners really have that much to worry about, do they? It’s not like they have any valuables on the same scale as business premises, a shop or a warehouse full of valuable items is it? Well, actually lots of people may have valuables lying around, from antiques to tech equipment, and it’s every bit as important to protect these items as it would if you were protecting a commercial property.
Read MoreAs a landlord your responsibilities to your tenants are high. It’s important to keep them safe and provide them with utilities that are safe to use and provide heating, lighting and water without endangering life.
Read MoreWhy are EICRs so important if you’re a new homeowner? We’re going to be looking at exactly that today. When you move into a new house, there may be all kinds of different anomalies that have to be ironed out before you can safely move in.
Read MoreToday we’re talking about how to identify cowboy electrical contractors. Here at RML we pride ourselves on being qualified, experienced registered electricians in West Lothian.
Read MoreElectricity is a tricky complex beast to understand and all kinds of things can go wrong with it. We know because we get called out all the time for a variety of electrical jobs where things have gone wrong with either the fuse-box, or possibly appliances themselves.
Read MoreToday we’re looking at the benefits of electrical heating installations. They’re a great alternative to other more conventional sources of heating, but we can imagine that perhaps you’re put off by any doubts about environmental concerns and the price.
Read MoreMany people think that surge arresters and lighting arresters are the same, however they are different. We will be talking about this today, shedding light on the difference between the two so you’ll be more informed.
Read MoreToday we’d like to talk to you about electrical cars and EV charging points. If you’ve not considered changing to an electric car yet, we’re hoping we can use this opportunity to convince you of its benefits.
Read MoreToday we’re going to be talking about the installation of smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. If you decide to install them yourself then it’s good to know the correct procedure so you get it right first time.
Read MoreIf you’re a landlord with a number of tenants, whether that’s one, two or fifty, you’ll want to adopt responsible electrical safety checks in your role as landlord.
Read MoreWe love working with our clients and helping to create the perfect lighting in a home, the lasting effects and the difference it can make is phenomenal.
Read MoreYou may think your bedroom is pretty safe from electrical faults, after all it’s a place of rest and relaxation, check out our blog provides some electrical safety tips.
Read MoreWe’re going to be talking this week about RCDs, otherwise known as residual current devices. The reason why these are so important is because they are a lifesaving piece of equipment that your fuse box requires in order to provide a safe supply of electricity.
Read MoreIf you’re thinking of hiring an electrician there are some things you need to consider first before going ahead. You want to be safe in the knowledge your electrician is qualified and trained to do his/her job, and to do that there a few steps you can take to ensure you’ve got the right person.
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